
The "God's Word Speaks Today" Bible Study series is published using Google Sites and Google Forms. Each Bible Study uses a Google Form and contains a "Privacy" link near the bottom of the page. At the time of writing, Google's privacy information and other terms were published per the following link:

Google Privacy & Terms

Alternatively, search for "Google Privacy Policy" to find out how Google looks after your information.

Note that you are very welcome to do these studies without submitting any forms. To do this, fill in a Bible Study form, and print it to a printer or to a PDF file, then close the form without submitting it.

When you fill in any of the Google Forms linked from this Google Site, and Submit it, Google stores your submission and allows people with permission to view your submission and to respond. Google will periodically send us notifications to alert us that forms have been submitted. We restrict access to submitted form information to those who administer this website and to those who assist with reviewing submissions and with responding.

If you submit a Bible Study form, and subsequently want it to be removed from our records, please tell us via our Contact Form.